Category Archives: Cop Watch
Texas Stop and Frisk: The New York City Stop and Frisk Law Just Held Unconstitutional – Texas Law Is Not Involved Here
There’s a lot of chatter this month about “stop and frisk laws” and the recent ruling by U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin who presides over a federal trial court up in the heart of New York City. In a lengthy (195 pages) decision (read it here), the Manhattan federal judge ruled that it violates the…
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Police and Your Phone: The Justice Department Pushes Supreme Court To Okay Police Searching Your Phone Without a Search Warrant. Will Your Smartphone Be Private Anymore?
We’ve posted about police in Texas circumventing search warrants to get cell phone tower information by getting special court orders from Texas judges and how many are concerned that this is a constitutional violation of our rights to privacy. (The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which presides over Texas in federal appellate matters, has ruled…
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FBI – Texas Rangers Sting Results in Arrests of Four Texas Law Enforcement Officers Including the Son of Local Police Chief and the Son of the Local County Sheriff Who Moonlighted in Cocaine Trafficking
This week, the announcement came down from the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office: its scandal-ridden “Panama Unit” will be shut down permanently at the orders of Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño. Hidalgo County is an Important County in Texas – With a History of Police Corruption You know the place: Hidalgo County sets right on the…
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Two Dallas Police Officers Facing Criminal Investigations After Dallas Civil Trial Judge Rules Their Sworn Testimony in 2011 Criminal Case Is “Perjurious”
Judge Carl Ginsberg presides over the 193rd Judicial District Court of Dallas County, Texas, and has been a Texas trial court judge since January 2007, so he’s not new to the ball game, and when he issued his opinion regarding the Melvin Williams criminal case earlier this month, Judge Ginsberg must have been well aware…
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Dallas Roadside Body Search by DPS Troopers Now Subject to Federal Lawsuit – Shocking Video of Dallas Roadside Search of Two Innocent Women
Over the years, we’ve monitored law enforcement in traffic stops and we’ve posted about bad things that have happened on Texas roadways, things like these dashcam video captures of law enforcement doing wrong (these aren’t the only examples we’ve found, check out our “Cop Watch” section in the sidebar for more): the Lufkin police officer…
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Texas Police Drones and Spy Planes: Texas Already Has Law Enforcement Surveillance In the Sky Includes Weapons and Thermal Imaging
The latest news on Texas skies having eyes watching all of us (giving a whole new meaning to the Eyes Of Texas, doesn’t it?) is that the State of Texas has bought a new, fancy Pilatus PC-12 NG Spectre for $7.4 million. It’s a plane; a very special plane … especially when you consider that…
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Dallas Police Chief David Brown Firing Police Officers – Terminations of Veteran Cops Continues in Dallas
Dallas Police Chief David Brown will fire police officers – he’s made news in the past when he sacked Dallas Police Officer Eric Watts back in July 2012 after an internal affairs investigation demonstrated to Chief Brown that the six year veteran had put false information on a police report which formed part of the…
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Texas DPS Labs Bottlenecked So They Aren’t Testing for Misdemeanor BAC or Drug Evidence (K2, Salvia, Spice, etc.) Now – Unless a DA Specifically Requests It.
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) did not get much media brouhaha over a recent change in its operating procedures, but something has changed in the way that DPS does things that will impact many, many Texans (and others) who are charged with misdemeanors involving blood alcohol or drug testing. In the past, the…
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Houston Police Officer Shoots Wheelchair-bound, Double Amputee in Head: FBI Investigates, World Watches
Texas justice is once again making international news coverage – in a bad way – as this week’s tragic shooting by an experienced Houston police officer makes its way around the world and as things continue to escalate in the Houston area. It all started last Saturday night, when Houston Police responded to a domestic…
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Texas Police Officer Arrests 77 Year Old Grandma After Traffic Stop: You Be the Judge – It’s All on Caught on Police Cam
A few weeks ago, here in Texas, a 77-year old grandma was driving home from church when she was pulled over by the police. Apparently, the officer had her doing 66 mph in a 55 mph speed limit, so he pulled her over. She told the officer that she really needed to use the bathroom…
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