Category Archives: Corrupt Cops
In Texas, We Need Laws That Force Police and Prosecutors to Do the Right Thing: the Criminal Defense Reality
BuzzFeed, working with Injustice Watch, recently published an article entitled “Good Day for a Choke Hold.” Written by Emily Hoerner and Rick Tulsky, the piece invites readers with the caption, “[a] review of the Facebook accounts of thousands of officers around the US — the largest database of its kind — found officers endorsing violence…
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Dallas Sex Crime Arrests and Possible Criminal Charges against the Dallas Vice Unit
Texas has more human trafficking cases than any other state in the union except for California, and most of this is sex trafficking. Texas being Number Two in the USA isn’t news to those involved in the criminal justice system here in North Texas. It’s been this way for several years now. In fact, the…
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Prosecutors and Police in Dallas: How Bad is It?
So, what’s going on here in Dallas County with our prosecutors and our police department? Well, there are lots of things going on right now that impact criminal justice – and criminal defense – here in North Texas. Because excessive force by the police and prosecutorial misconduct isn’t just stuff that happens in…
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Arrested After Police Field Drug Test? Fight Back: These Things Are Notoriously Wrong
Here’s what happens. You’re driving along, minding your own business, when you see those flashing lights in your rearview mirror and pull over. The police officer saunters up to your window. You ask what’s going on: why did he stop you? Next thing you know, he’s checking out stuff in your car and he’s using…
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Attacks on Police in Texas are Hate Crimes under 2017 Police Protection Act
Look in the dictionary and “hate crime” is defined as any crime that is motivated by hostility towards the victim because he or she is a member of a specific group (like gender, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation). The FBI has its own definition: a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in…
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Texas Needs New Asset Forfeiture Law Reform: Spread the Word
Asset forfeiture: yes, we’re back on the stump about it again. First, let’s talk about the status of the pending asset forfeiture reform legislation as of the end of February 2017. We wrote about this proposed legislation right around Christmas; see the details in “Will Texas End Civil Forfeiture in 2017?” 1. Texas Senate On…
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Arrested then Assaulted in Texas: Jailers and Guards Caught on Video
The suicide of 28-year-old Sandra Bland got lots of people talking about the goings-on in local jails here in Texas. Ms. Bland died last July in the Waller County Jail, and the autopsy concluded that she committed suicide by hanging. Sandra Bland had said some things that should have warned her jailers that she was…
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Lesson For Texans From Netflix’s “Making of a Murderer”: Public Defenders vs. Hired Defense Lawyers
If you haven’t watched the documentary “Making of a Murderer” yet, odds are high that you’ve heard about it. A Netflix Original, the 10-episode documentary took 10 years to make and debuted on Netflix back in December 2015. It follows the story of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin local boy Steven Avery, known to most in his…
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Police That Lie: More on the Secret Texas District Attorney Lists of Police Officers Not Trustworthy to Take the Witness Stand
Prosecutors have lists of the names of police officers and deputy sheriffs that they don’t trust to take the witness stand — did you know these lists existed? Do you think that every police officer is honest and trustworthy to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth on the stand? Brady…
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Update on Law of Asset Forfeitures: Federal and Texas – Are You Any Safer?
As the general public becomes more and more aware, and more and more shocked, over police forfeiture actions – where private property is taken by law enforcement regardless of whether or not the owner has been involved in a crime, much less convicted, there’s been talk about changing forfeiture laws at both the federal and…
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