Category Archives: Case Results
In DWI case, a hung jury in Denton County.
Client blew well over the legal limit, admitted to drinking 8 beers and was found with 2 marijuana pipes and marijuana in his car.
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Drug Paraphernalia case dismissed.
A court in Denton County dismissed client\’s Possession of Drug Paraphernalia charge.
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Client facing an aggravated and enhanced sentence gets a misdemeanor.
Mr. Lowe\’s investigation revealed the Police Department conducted an incomplete investigation which overlooked exonerating witness statements.
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Court of Appeals granted writ of habeas corpus.
Prosecutors barred from retrying client based on prosecutorial misconduct.
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Tarrant County DA’s Office dismissed Felony Burglary of a Habitation case.
Investigation exonerates client who was facing up to twenty years for a Second Degree Felony Burglary of a Habitation case.
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In DWI case, client’s license NOT suspended.
Texas Department of Public Safety Judge finds the State of Texas’ evidence insufficient and found no probable cause to suspend client’s license.
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Investigation prevents client from getting charged with Felony Mischief cas
Case closed, no charge, no record.
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Client exonerated in Felony Burglary of a Habitation case.
Investigation results in key witness statements from complaining witness exonerating client in Felony Burglary of a Habitation case.
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