Category Archives: Wrongfully Accused
Prosecutorial Misconduct in Texas Murder Trials: Prosecutors Fighting Against Misconduct Allegations
Prosecutors in Texas doing bad things is a serious problem – and one that is slow to be corrected. We’ve discussed this issue in case after case, coming from all parts of the state, for several years now. For past examples, read our posts including: August 2015: District Attorneys Keep Doing Bad Things: More Texas…
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Rape or Sexual Assault: Accusations or Gossip vs. Innocence and Texas Criminal Defense These Days
Rape and sexual assault are serious issues. These crimes deserve serious consideration and discourse. However, sexual assault charges and claims of rape are also two very hot topics in the news as well as social media in 2016. And today, it’s possible for someone merely to imply that one of these crimes has been committed…
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Lesson For Texans From Netflix’s “Making of a Murderer”: Public Defenders vs. Hired Defense Lawyers
If you haven’t watched the documentary “Making of a Murderer” yet, odds are high that you’ve heard about it. A Netflix Original, the 10-episode documentary took 10 years to make and debuted on Netflix back in December 2015. It follows the story of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin local boy Steven Avery, known to most in his…
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Sexual Assault Arrests for 10 Year Old Crimes: Cold Case Rape Kit Backlog Prosecutions in Dallas and North Texas
This summer, Dallas County District Attorney Susan Hawk announced that she had hired a new prosecutor and an investigator for her Sexual Assault Unit especially to try rape cases based on all the rape kits that are finally being tested here. Dallas and North Texas should expect to see arrests being made in cold case…
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College Rape Charges: Students Arrested for Sexual Assault and Fixing the Current Kangaroo Court System
Campus rape charges are being made much more often today. However, there’s a big problem with sexual assault charges when students are involved and it’s an injustice everyone needs to recognize and which needs to be fixed. Here’s the thing: allegations of rape or sexual assault on a school campus often involve a whole different…
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Bite Mark Evidence Isn’t Reliable But It’s Still Used Against Defendants in Texas
Lots of criminal defense attorneys have their fingers crossed here in Texas, hoping that sooner rather than later everyone is going to acknowledge and understand that bite mark evidence isn’t worthy of respect much less use in a criminal case where someone’s freedom is in jeopardy. For many years, defense lawyers have recognized that evidence…
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Sex Crimes In Texas: How Soon Do You Need to Call a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Sex crimes are a particular kind of criminal defense case; things can become complicated very quickly in these matters. For years, I have devoted part of my Dallas law practice to defending individuals who are being investigated or have been charged with any one (or more) of a number of sex crimes as defined under…
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FBI Scandal: Forensic FBI Experts Give False and Flawed DNA Evidence To Get Convictions
This is very bad and it’s going to get worse. Yesterday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice finally came forward and admitted that the FBI forensic evidence provided in countless criminal trials over the past two decades has in almost every single case been flawed and unreliable if not downright…
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Police Who Lie On the Witness Stand: Did You Know Prosecutors Keep Lists of Their Names?
It wasn’t until 1963 that the U.S. Supreme Court forced prosecutors to do the right thing and share all the facts about a case with defense lawyers before they tried someone for a serious crime and tried to get a conviction. In the case of Brady v. Maryland, John Brady had been convicted of murder…
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Unjustly Accused of Sexual Assault: When Rape Allegations Aren’t True There’s Still a Victim
Rapes and sexual assaults do happen in here in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, as they do all around the State of Texas, and these are horrible, life-changing events for the victims (both men and women). However, as criminal defense lawyers who represents people accused of rape and sexual assault know well, there is…
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