Category Archives: Criminal Law Blog

Felony Possession of Marijuana Reduced to Misdemeanor

3rd Degree Felony Possession of Marijuana in Collin County Reduced to Misdemeanor

Dallas DWI 2nd Not Guilty

Client found Not Guilty on a DWI 2nd case

Recitivist Meth and GHB Distributor Gets Deferred Probation

Deferred Adjudication for Dallas Meth and GHB distributor

Dallas Drug Case Dismissed

Dallas Methamphetamine Case Dismissed

Aggravated Assault Dismissed

Dallas County 2nd Degree Felony Aggravated Assault Case Dismissed

Aggravated Assault with a Handgun Reduced to Class

2nd Degree Felony Aggravated Assault with a Handgun Case in Dallas County reduced

Not Guilty on Dallas DWI

Jury Finds Client Not Guilty in Less Than Five Minutes

.22 Breath Test Case Dismissed; Parole “Blue Warrant” lifted

Dallas County Judge Finds No Probable Cause and Dismisses .22 Breath Test DWI; “Blue Warrant” released before hearing

1st Degree Delivery of a Controlled Substance Case Reduced to Misdemeanor

Dallas Delivery of Methamphetamine Case reduced to Misdemanor

Decade Old Dallas Drug Conspiracy Sentence Reduced by 64 Months

Dallas Federal Drug Case Sentence Retroactively Reduced by more than 5 years due to crack/powder cocaine disparity