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Criminal Law Blog

Do Police Need Search Warrants to Access Digital Information?  The Importance of Carpenter v. United States

Anyone in Texas that has a cellphone needs to know about a case that is before the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) right now.  The case is filed as Case No. 16-402 and styled Carpenter v. United States.  You can follow it here on the SCOTUS online docket. Why This SCOTUS Case is…

Doctors in Texas Alert: Feds Are Targeting Health Care Fraud Arrests

Health Care Fraud Arrests of Doctors in Texas The government’s position is that “health care fraud” can involve all sorts of nefarious activity by medical professionals.  There’s lots of precedent involving federal investigations and arrests based upon overbilling of the federal insurance programs Medicare and Medicaid, for instance.  See, e.g., our discussion in “Arresting Texas…

More Women Arrested for Domestic Assault in Dallas with The First Battered Men’s Shelter in the Country?

This summer, Dallas made history with the opening of the first Battered Men’s Shelter in the United States.  This is a facility designed to help men who are victims of domestic violence and assault, just as battered women’s shelters have done for years. Dallas Opens First Battered Men’s Shelter in the Country This new men’s…

5 Things to Know About Money Laundering in Texas

Major money laundering arrests make the news here in North Texas all the time, and it’s a crime that seems to be a favorite plot device in movies and TV shows. But what exactly is money laundering – and more to the point, if you think that you are being investigated for money laundering, then…

What is a Motion to Suppress?

In Texas, one of the main weapons that a criminal defense lawyer can use to help his client is a “motion to suppress” that requests the judge order certain evidence be excluded from the case.  It can be filed in both state and federal court. It’s a very powerful tool for the defense. Why? Because…

Prosecutors and Police in Dallas: How Bad is It?

So, what’s going on here in Dallas County with our prosecutors and our police department?  Well, there are lots of things going on right now that impact criminal justice – and criminal defense – here in North Texas.     Because excessive force by the police and prosecutorial misconduct isn’t just stuff that happens in…

Arrested After Police Field Drug Test?  Fight Back: These Things Are Notoriously Wrong

Here’s what happens.   You’re driving along, minding your own business, when you see those flashing lights in your rearview mirror and pull over.  The police officer saunters up to your window.  You ask what’s going on: why did he stop you? Next thing you know, he’s checking out stuff in your car and he’s using…

Arrested for Bank Fraud in Texas

When you are arrested for bank fraud in Texas, the charges usually come along with other serious felony charges like money laundering and mail fraud.   Identity theft and RICO charges may accompany a bank fraud charge, too. Over the past few years, more and more prosecutions in both state and federal court involve some kind…

New Texas Criminal Laws 2017

The regular session of the 85th Texas Legislature ended on Memorial Day.  Bills not passed by the lawmakers and signed into law by the governor are dead in the water.  (Abbott vetoed 50 of them.) For the bills that did not become law: well, maybe next year. Governor Abbott has called for a special session…

Attacks on Police in Texas are Hate Crimes under 2017 Police Protection Act

Look in the dictionary and “hate crime” is defined as any crime that is motivated by hostility towards the victim because he or she is a member of a specific group (like gender, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation). The FBI has its own definition:  a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in…