Veteran Conroe Cop Convicted of Bank Robbery in Houston Federal Court – Shockingly Stupid and Easily Caught
Last week, in the Southern District Court of Judge Melinda Harmon, another bank robbery case wound up, with the jury coming back with a guilty verdict. The guy robbed the First Bank of Conroe of $28,000 and now, he faces a $250,000 fine and up to 20 years in a federal prison.
Stupid risk analysis, right? While $28,000 isn’t chump change, is it really worth the risk of 20 years behind bars and a $250K fine? Really??? And, that’s even before we add in the Big Twist to the story: the robber here was a TWENTY-TWO year veteran of the Conroe Police Department.
That’s right. A cop who’d been on the job since 1988 was the robber who was busted, charged, tried, convicted. That’s a long time to be a police officer. Twenty-two years ago a postage stamp cost 24 cents, a gallon of gas was 91 cents, Ronald Reagan was President and Michael Jackson had a big hit with “Dirty Diana.”
So a cop who should have known better instead got into some money trouble, and having some knowledge of the First Bank of Conroe since he’d worked there part-time as a security guard for NINETEEN years, put on a White Motorcycle Helmet, rented a car, and walked into the bank demanding money.
The bank clerk recognized his voice. Others at the bank recognized him by the way he walked, as well as his clothing. They found the helmet at his home.
Try this. Put a helmet on your head, or a bag, or a pillowcase, and walk into any place where you’ve hung out for a 19 years, say something like “This is a HoldUp” and see if they are shocked, shocked, shocked and don’t have any idea who you are.
Please. With this prime example of the Conroe Police, you gotta wonder if some professional thieves aren’t reading this story and thinking about Conroe as something akin to Nirvana.
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